Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

English Today

The English language is spoken in  parts of Europe, The Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand,  and in some of the Islands of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. It’s spoken as a first language by 320-370 million people. It’s also used as a second language by about the same number of people, and as foreign language by millions more. English is often called “world language” because so many people in many places speak or use English.
In Britain and America, English is the first language of the most people. And in India, Nigeria, Singapore and Papua New Guenie large numbers of people use English as a second Language aslo English is one of the offical language. They use it in education, business, goverment and broadcasting.
 But, in many countries English is taught in school as a foreign language and it’s not an offical language like in Indonesia.
English is also used for many different kinds of international communication. Politic and business are often carried out in English. For example in ASEAN uses English as its working language. Most book is written in English, on the internet and computer, English is used much more than other laguages.
When multinational companies and organizations developed, English was often chosen as the working language. For example, English is the working laguage of the European Central Bank, although the bank is in Germany. So, my question is “Who were the first English speaker?”

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